Cool Room Cleaning-Swab Testing-Preventive Maintenance
Big Ben Services can test your cool rooms , fridges and any food preparation surfaces for potential bacteria and contamination. We use EnSURE technology which is the latest in quality management. Our machine allows us to test for possible contamination with on the spot results.
Big Ben will issue a before and after Swab report on any surfaces we clean. This enables our clients to be assured that their equipment is free of bacteria as well as showing if there are any possible issues with daily cleaning by their staff. A high level of bacteria found in a swab test before cleaning will show that the area is not being cleaned on a regular basis.
With this technology our clients don’t just know that we have cleaned their kitchen properly, we can show them the data that proves it.

Big Ben Services provides a complete cleaning and hygiene service for your cool rooms. The complete service includes the cleaning of the walls, ceiling, floors and fan unit.
Big Ben Services will conduct a complete preventive maintenance clean of the evaporative unit. This includes a test of the air flow, gas and oil levels and a voltage check.
A complete Big Ben service includes:
Remove fan from housing, clean both sides of fan blades and safety grill.
Clean and flush heat transfer coils with Viper Coil cleaner.
Clean internal and external surfaces of fan unit.
Remove and clean condensation drip tray.
Clean mould and bacteria on surfaces of walls and ceiling immediately around fan unit in the cool room.
02 8188 1227 (NSW)
03 9555 2772 (VIC)
1300 653 632 (Other States)